
AF / Antifreeze additive (ANTIFREEZE)

  • Accelerates the hardening process of the composition
  • Can be used at temperatures down to -15°C
  • Can be added to SAKRET products - BE, BH, ZM, GMS, RM
  • Can be used in reinforced concrete constructions for building mortars and concretes
  • Does not contain chlorine ions
  • Above 0°C acts as a hardening accelerator
  • Lowers the freezing point of water
  • For mortars with class higher than M5


Surface preparation

  • We recommend performing a thermal calculation of the construction to be concreted
  • Building elements (blocks, lintels, etc.) must be cleared of ice and snow. The surface temperature must be higher than 00C
  • The temperature of mortar or concrete aggregates/binders (sand, crushed stone and cement) should be above 00C
  • The temperature of the substrate and formwork should be such that the concrete does not freeze during hardening before reaching the critical or calculated strength


  • The use of the additive does not exempt you from observing the concreting rules in winter conditions
  • Mix the antifreeze additive thoroughly before use
  • The additive is added together with the water intended for the preparation of concrete or mix
  • In the water-cement ratio, calculate the amount of antifreeze additive as part of water
  • The temperature of the concrete/mortar mixture at the time of application should be ≥ +8 0C
  • After adding the additive, it is recommended to apply the concrete/mortar within 30 minutes if the air temperature is positive
  • At negative air temperatures, the start of hardening will be delayed
  • Concrete and masonry structures must be immediately covered with waterproofing and heat-insulating material

Tehnical data

Chemical composition: Salt, antifreeze additive and additives

Packing: 1l, 5l, 10l, 25l / can, 1000l container

Shelf life: Shelf life in original, unopened packaging – 36 months

Consumption at -10°C to -15°CStorage timeColourDensity, g/cm³Dry residue, %Consumption at +5°C to -5°CConsumption at -5°C to -10°C
6% of the amount of cement / 2 l per 40 kg of cement36 monthsTransparent1,10 ± 0,0120-223% of the amount of cement / 1l per 40 kg of cement4% of the amount of cement / 1.3 l per 40 kg of cement
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