- Products
- Paints
- Insulation fixings
- Finish fillers
- Reinforcement mesh
- Building profiles
- Concrete
- Mortars
- Cement-lime plasters
- Lime plasters
- Repair and special compaunds
- Tile adhesives
- Primers
- Waterproofing
- Building chemistry
- Heat insulation systems and decorative plasters
- Products with anti-frost additives
- Self leveling and leveling mixtures for floor
- Sanation systems
- Mineral binders and sand
- Mixers and mixing tools
- Stencils
- Window tapes
- Product systems
- Services
- Projects
- Projects: Aizkraukle
- Projects: Alūksne
- Projects: Balvi
- Projects: Bauska
- Projects: Cēsis
- Projects: Daugavpils
- Projects: Dobele
- Projects: Gulbene
- Projects: Jēkabpils
- Projects: Krāslava
- Projects: Kuldīga
- Projects: Liepāja
- Projects: Jelgava
- Projects: Limbaži
- Projects: Ludza
- Projects: Madona
- Projects: Ogre
- Projects: Preiļi
- Projects: Rēzekne
- Projects: Rīga un Jūrmala
- Projects: Saldus
- Projects: Skrunda
- Projects: Talsi
- Projects: Tukums
- Projects: Valmiera
- Projects: Ventspils
- Projects: Valka
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- About us
- Products
- Paints
- Insulation fixings
- Finish fillers
- Reinforcement mesh
- Building profiles
- Concrete
- Mortars
- Cement-lime plasters
- Lime plasters
- Repair and special compaunds
- Tile adhesives
- Primers
- Waterproofing
- Building chemistry
- Heat insulation systems and decorative plasters
- Products with anti-frost additives
- Self leveling and leveling mixtures for floor
- Sanation systems
- Mineral binders and sand
- Mixers and mixing tools
- Stencils
- Window tapes
- Product systems
- Services
- Projects
- Projects: Aizkraukle
- Projects: Alūksne
- Projects: Balvi
- Projects: Bauska
- Projects: Cēsis
- Projects: Daugavpils
- Projects: Dobele
- Projects: Gulbene
- Projects: Jēkabpils
- Projects: Krāslava
- Projects: Kuldīga
- Projects: Liepāja
- Projects: Jelgava
- Projects: Limbaži
- Projects: Ludza
- Projects: Madona
- Projects: Ogre
- Projects: Preiļi
- Projects: Rēzekne
- Projects: Rīga un Jūrmala
- Projects: Saldus
- Projects: Skrunda
- Projects: Talsi
- Projects: Tukums
- Projects: Valmiera
- Projects: Ventspils
- Projects: Valka
- Downloads
- About us

Projects: Talsi
Daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā māja Vītoli 11
Dižstende, Talsu nov.
Projekta gads: 2012
Pasūtītājs: DzĪB “Dižstendes Vītoli”
Izmantota siltināšanas sistēma pēc ETAG 004 standarta Sakret MW ETA-10/0185 ar sekojošiem materiāliem: Sakret UG grunts koncentrāts, Sakret BAK siltumizolācijas līmēšanai un armēšanai, Dībeļi Koelner KI 220N un KI 260N, Stiklašķiedras armēšanas siets SSA-1363-4 (AS VSŠ), zem dekoratīvā apmetuma grunts Sakret PG, gatavais dekoratīvais apmetums Sakret AP/B 2mm
Papildus elementi: Alumīnija cokola profils VWS 4415, Stūra profils MAT D03/2
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